Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Suicides. over the top. 10/14/07

My knees are killing me. Today we ran 12 sets of basketball lines diving at each with a full sprint. 10 down and backs, and much more. Thats just for volleyball, right after practice i went to soccer. Even more running. Tomorrow will be even harder. Two and 1/4 mile and soccer andddd conditioning. Part of playin team sports is taking everything together- including punishment. "Together we stand, together we fall, together we win and winners take all." So much work wiht year round sports is tirring. ontop of that i have to keep a 4.00 average and keep up my social life. It is very chalanging to manage it all, but school comes first. Sprts are my passion. Friends and family are my benifit and health is my reward. I wouldnt have it any other way. Everything pays off in the end. i am very thanksful, I have a wonderful life. one most epople wish for everytnight. I have an outstanding family, food and a roof over my head, best friends, good gradesm ad athletic ability. Thank goodness i am this lucky. Sometimes i complane, but when i step back ad look at the big picture. its amazing.

Rainbows. november 15th

Soccer is a game of skill. It takes time and effort to purfect a skill. Recently i have almost perfected te rainbow. A rainbow is a very difficult trick to master on the feild. It is whne you run the ball up your lef, kick it with your heel from behind you, then have it go over your head and land infront of you.

In a game you could use this to get the ball over another player then control it at your feet at the other side. Sometimes it is eaisyer to go over the player instead of trying to go around them. This skill has taken me alot of time to accomplish. i dont have it perfected yet, but i am working on it.

Alot of perfecinal soccer players can do a rainbow at anytime, no problem. it is a very commen skill to do. When you are capible of doing it, it is fun and a cool trick to use.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rip tides.

Rip tides are very scary. While I was at the Oregon Coast this summer, I had a life threatening experience. It was a fairly nice day out so my cousin –Brianna-, aunt –Bonnie-, uncle –Neil-, and Me decided to go to the beach.
The waves where anywhere from 4-7 feet tall. A little big, but still perfect. The undertow was very strong but we thought we could handle it. Suddenly a large wave came and I got sucked out. I kept going farther and farther away from the shore. I got to the point where I couldn’t stand and the waves where growing bigger and bigger, crashing one after another over my head, I was very scared.
A crowd started to gather then somebody called 911. The coast-guard helicopter was on its way. I was terrified but managed to stay a lot calmer then other people in my situation would have been. It felt like what ever I tried to do just made it harder. The water was freezing and I was getting really tired. The thought of giving up ran through my mind many times, but I kept pushing my self harder and harder to get back. I looked over my shoulder and saw a seal. It was very cute, grey head with some brown spots and long whiskers. I truly think if I would have given up he would have saved me.
My uncle tried to come in and help me, but the rip tides where too powerful. After what seamed like an eternity, I finally got into shore. I was tired and cold. I swallowed so much water, I just wanted to rest. I was so happy to see my family.
The coast guard didn’t end up coming, but the fire department was in my hotel room. I had to answer a lot of questions, for safely precautions. He thought it was a good idea if I went to the hospital to get everything checked out. While I was in the ER, the doctor checked my lungs to make sure everything was ok since I swallowed so much salt water. They checked my body heat to make sure I didn’t have a clinical case of hypothermia. And they checked my breathing to make sure being out in the water for so long under those conditions didn’t mess up my heart rate. It turned out everything was fine. Other then a little scare, I was going to be ok. My family and I where so thankful.
Throughout this experience I learned that the ocean is a dangerous place. You have to stay extremely alert or face the consequences. I still swim in the ocean but now I pay more attention to my surroundings and what’s going on. Death flashed before my eyes and it was the scariest thing that has happened to me in my life so far. Thank god I am still alive and no members of my family –or me- got physically hurt.

Washington coast Hike

We meet at the school at 10:30am and leave shortly after. It was a foggy morning, so the ferries weren’t working. We waited for a couple hours before deciding to take another rout. October 13th, 2007 the first day of a trip to remember. It wasn’t cold outside, but the sun wasn’t shinning. I could tell that this was going to be a fun trip. “Let the fun begin.”
Everyday was unpredictable. The rocks where wet and slippery and the weather was constantly changing. I think the hardest part of the trip was beating the tides. My group-group two- got stuck multiple times because of the tides. One day we had to wait for at least 4 hours. In order to get around or go over some of the peeks, the tides have to be cooperating. If they don’t, who knows how long you will be stranded. The ocean is a very dangerous place. Nothing will ever be perfect, when you are hiking the coast you might get wet, you have to deal with it and move on. If you time things right, then hopefully you will get lucky and stay dry or just get your feet wet, if you are unlucky, you might get soaked or have to wade the rest of the way around the point. Timing is everything, if you don’t look through everything before you start your day off; you have to deal with the consequences.
I enjoyed being with my group, I got to know some of the guys a lot better. One of the most fun parts was when everybody met up for a night. It was nice just to be with everybody again. We had tons of fun. We played fun sports like Frisbee and football. A group of people went swimming in the creek and the ocean, it was really cold but I think it helped complete the experience. After swimming, we had to dry our clothes by the fire. Along with swimming and playing games, we ran around on the beach and sat around the fire. Everybody shared their stories from the past 2 day’s adventure. It was interesting to hear what each group had to go through. We had the same “paths” but according to the tide, and our methods we ended up handling it different ways.
During this memorable experience I learned that you cant get distracted easily. A lot of the time my group and I would be walking over wet slippery rocks. If you lost focus you would fall or trip. I think about everybody in my group fell at least once because they weren’t paying attention. Especially when we would be traveling in the dark, everything is already hard enough to see. Why make it harder? “One man travels alone in the dark with a lantern, and stumbles upon the rocks. Two men travel together without lights and find a trail” In adventure ed. everybody works together. We help each other out and help guide the way. Teamwork is key in order for nobody to get hurt.
This class will create many memories I will cherish for life. I have seen many beautiful sceneries and had some wonderful experiences. I am very thrilled I took this class and can’t wait for our next trip.

Adventure ed-My Pillchick experience.

It was a nice day out. The skys where clear, but it was still a little chilly outside. When I woke up I put on lots of layers; under armor, sweats, and my raingear was in my bag. I was all packed up ready to go. The trip had been planed for about a month now. Friday morning finally came. Everybody checked in with their first period teacher, then we boarded he bus and where on our way to Mount Pillchuck.
It was a 6 mile round trip. I think the most difficult part about my first adventure education experience was the three mile hike up the mountain. We had many breaks for food and water. Still, long distance hikes uphill are a lot of work. About thirty to forty-five minutes into our hike my calves started to tighten. Just like everybody else, I pushed through the pain and kept going. Everybody made it to the top with out any injuries. When we arrived at the lookout tower we ate lunch and enjoyed the spectacular view.
The most fun part of the hike was exploring at the top. After lunch me and a group of friends went letterbox hunting. When we came to the conclusion it had been stolen, we found better things to do. After journaling, we found a trail that led to the tippy-top. I felt like I could see the world. The echo was intense; it traveled through the mountains like the wind when it blows through the trees, crisp and easy to define. Before it was time to leave some of the guys found a large, heavy, wooden crate. It had a new lock on it so we couldn’t open it. It will always be a mystery to us what it contained.
During this amazing experience I learned that you can’t mess around while you are hiking a mountain. If you take a wrong step you or somebody else could get seriously injured. A couple of times I slipped and rolled my ankle. Luckily for me that’s the worst that happened. Unfortunately, some of my classmates had harsher falls. They would slide down a muddy spot and land on their backside, some scrapping their backs, and others just getting muddy. While at the top you can’t be pushing each other around or somebody can loose their footing and fall off the side of the mountain. Hiking is a serious matter, but it can be very fun if you are safe.
In conclusion, I am very thrilled I took this class. It is hard, but we make it through it. In the end this group of kids has a lot of fun together. It helps that a lot of my friends are in this class, it makes my experience more enjoyable. I am looking forward to our future trips.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson was an English Sea Explorer and navigator in the early 17th century. He was born in London, England and probably died in 1611 after he was set adrift, along with his son and eight others. His early life was unknown, but he is thought to have spent many years at sea. He begun as a cabin boy at age 16 and gradually worked his way up to ships captain.

I think the most fun part about this project was making the clay people. My partner and I had a blast making these little replicas. It took time and effort, but we got to use our imagination. It was interesting to see how they turned out and what we thought these explorers and their families looked like. Some people where harder to make then others, it depended on if they needed legs to walk, or what kind of clothes they wore. Most groups put sort of a modern twist into it. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not, but for some minds it is hard to picture back in time that far.

Throughout this project, there where many challenge’s my partner and I faced. I think the most difficult part of the project was getting everything done on time. Making the characters and the backgrounds for the scene, shooting about 50 shots, loading them on to the computer and editing them-its a lot of work. We had time, but some days I didn’t think we had enough. It took about a week to get the hang of what we where doing and how we had to manage it. Things got easier towards the end, but it was very difficult to meet the dead line. Unfortunately we where a little bit late. I think we should have had a couple more days. The audio was hard to complete. Over all, I don’t think this project was that hard, we had to make some compromises, but that’s life.

In doing this stop frame animation project, I learned a lot about my explorer. His early life was unknown, but from what we discovered he was amazing. He went on at least 4 voyages. In 1607, the Muscovy Company of England hired Hudson to find the Northeast Passage to China. Hudson traveled just 577 miles south of the North Pole and is claimed to have discovered what is now known as Jan Mayen Island. In 1609, Hudson was chosen by the Dutch East Inda Company to find an easterly passage to Asia. He was told to sail around the Artic Ocean north of Russia, into the Pacific and to the Far east Ocea. Hudson could not continue his voyage due to the ice that had plagued his previous voyages, and many others before him. Having heard rumors, he and his crew decided to try to seek out a Southwest Passage through North America. In 1610, Hudson managed to get the money and requirements for yet another voyage, now under the English flag. The money came from the Virgina Company and the British East Indian Company. With his new ship, the Discovery, he stayed to the north , reaching Iceland, and the south of Greenland, then managing to turn around the southern tip of Greenland. As you can tell, henry Hudson had a very full life. He had family, and was constantly making his way around the world.
In conclusion I enjoyed doing this project. I learned alot and had fun. In even the worst positions, Cortney and I make things interesting J. I believe we worked hard and it payed off. This project was interesting and a new way of learing for me. My favorite type of learing is hands on, and that’s what this was. I would enjoy doing more projects like this. We had to do resurch, but we also had to plan out what we where going to do and creat it. I think in the end, our work payed off. Henry Hudson was an English Sea Explorer and navigator in the early 17th century. He was born in London, England and probably died in 1611 after he was set adrift, along with his son and eight others. His early life was unknown, but he is thought to have spent many years at sea. He begun as a cabin boy at age 16 and gradually worked his way up to ships captain.
I think the most fun part about this project was making the clay people. My partner and I had a blast making these little replicas. It took time and effort, but we got to use our imagination. It was interesting to see how they turned out and what we thought these explorers and their families looked like. Some people where harder to make then others, it depended on if they needed legs to walk, or what kind of clothes they wore. Most groups put sort of a modern twist into it. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not, but for some minds it is hard to picture back in time that far.

Throughout this project, there where many challenge’s my partner and I faced. I think the most difficult part of the project was getting everything done on time. Making the characters and the backgrounds for the scene, shooting about 50 shots, loading them on to the computer and editing them-its a lot of work. We had time, but some days I didn’t think we had enough. It took about a week to get the hang of what we where doing and how we had to manage it. Things got easier towards the end, but it was very difficult to meet the dead line. Unfortunately we where a little bit late. I think we should have had a couple more days. The audio was hard to complete. Over all, I don’t think this project was that hard, we had to make some compromises, but that’s life.

In doing this stop frame animation project, I learned a lot about my explorer. His early life was unknown, but from what we discovered he was amazing. He went on at least 4 voyages. In 1607, the Muscovy Company of England hired Hudson to find the Northeast Passage to China. Hudson traveled just 577 miles south of the North Pole and is claimed to have discovered what is now known as Jan Mayen Island. In 1609, Hudson was chosen by the Dutch East India Company to find an easterly passage to Asia. He was told to sail around the Arctic Ocean north of Russia, into the Pacific and to the Far East. Hudson could not continue his voyage due to the ice that had plagued his previous voyages, and many others before him. Having heard rumors, he and his crew decided to try to seek out a Southwest Passage through North America. In 1610, Hudson managed to get the money and requirements for yet another voyage, now under the English flag. The money came from the Virginia Company and the British East India Company. With his new ship, the Discovery, he stayed to the north , reaching Iceland, and the south of Greenland, then managing to turn around the southern tip of Greenland. As you can tell, henry Hudson had a very full life. He had family, and was constantly making his way around the world.

In conclusion I enjoyed doing this project. I learned alot and had fun. In even the worst positions, Cortney and I make things interesting J. I believe we worked hard and it payed off. This project was interesting and a new way of learing for me. My favorite type of learing is hands on, and that’s what this was. I would enjoy doing more projects like this. We had to do resurch, but we also had to plan out what we where going to do and creat it. I think in the end, our work payed off.