Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Adventure ed-My Pillchick experience.

It was a nice day out. The skys where clear, but it was still a little chilly outside. When I woke up I put on lots of layers; under armor, sweats, and my raingear was in my bag. I was all packed up ready to go. The trip had been planed for about a month now. Friday morning finally came. Everybody checked in with their first period teacher, then we boarded he bus and where on our way to Mount Pillchuck.
It was a 6 mile round trip. I think the most difficult part about my first adventure education experience was the three mile hike up the mountain. We had many breaks for food and water. Still, long distance hikes uphill are a lot of work. About thirty to forty-five minutes into our hike my calves started to tighten. Just like everybody else, I pushed through the pain and kept going. Everybody made it to the top with out any injuries. When we arrived at the lookout tower we ate lunch and enjoyed the spectacular view.
The most fun part of the hike was exploring at the top. After lunch me and a group of friends went letterbox hunting. When we came to the conclusion it had been stolen, we found better things to do. After journaling, we found a trail that led to the tippy-top. I felt like I could see the world. The echo was intense; it traveled through the mountains like the wind when it blows through the trees, crisp and easy to define. Before it was time to leave some of the guys found a large, heavy, wooden crate. It had a new lock on it so we couldn’t open it. It will always be a mystery to us what it contained.
During this amazing experience I learned that you can’t mess around while you are hiking a mountain. If you take a wrong step you or somebody else could get seriously injured. A couple of times I slipped and rolled my ankle. Luckily for me that’s the worst that happened. Unfortunately, some of my classmates had harsher falls. They would slide down a muddy spot and land on their backside, some scrapping their backs, and others just getting muddy. While at the top you can’t be pushing each other around or somebody can loose their footing and fall off the side of the mountain. Hiking is a serious matter, but it can be very fun if you are safe.
In conclusion, I am very thrilled I took this class. It is hard, but we make it through it. In the end this group of kids has a lot of fun together. It helps that a lot of my friends are in this class, it makes my experience more enjoyable. I am looking forward to our future trips.

1 comment:

Mr. Bergquist said...

Please put an extra space between paragraphs. :)