Thursday, March 20, 2008


Bestie=)Other half. Shes all i could ask for in a best friend;; Shes there for me when i need somebody and always has her weird ways to make me laugh. WE have amazing memories and do the craziest stuff. To many to even keep track of. smiles and tears. giggles and laughs. late night calls and cute pics. ill be there for you until the day of my death, best friends forever until my very last breath. this girl is my other brain. she knows what i am thinking and how i feel. she can see right through me. shes the one whos there for me when times get tough and makes me feel ontop of the world. i can talk to her about anything. she has the most blackmail about me over anybody! we get in fights about food end up throwing it- all the hiccups and laughin til we cry. i wouldnt trade it for anything. we are salt&pepper. nothing could ever tear us apart. my queeb=) even when i have to go jackie chan on her but,Linden is my bestestestest friend and that will never change =] doe's hoes cant be hatin at us ballas for being hot white skillet biscuts. : ) besties for sho. lindens the girl who has always givvin me that second chance. she has showed me a reason to look forward to the future. when things arent great she sets them back into place. everybody has there bumps in the road- we get through them and work them out. Life is like a journey, one long road you have to follow. at times you stear away, each and every road has bumps but then you get to the smooth path again. Sometimes in life all you need is somebody to travel the road with you, to keep you on the right path-linden does this for me. always keeps me on the right road. besties forever.

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