Thursday, March 20, 2008

sticky notes

If you where a sticky note where would you stick yourself to? i mean think aobut it. you would be square and could stic to anything. you would have a broud imagination and your life would never end. you get used, recycled, then used in another country.

its amazing the answers people tell you when you ask that question. some people think your crazy, but its a great conversation starter. some people say places around the world. others say places having to do with their favorite sport.

some guys who like football said a feild goal cross bar. if you like skiing or snowboarding you could be stuck to your boards. if you like soccer, it can be tapped to your ball. others said on a bird, plane, volcano, you name it.

it is amazing the different places around the world being a sticky note could take you to.

Once apon a time..

There was a zombie who was friends with a cougar. they always had fun, playing frisbee, and going swimming. but one day the cougar ate the zombie, then all the other animals hated the cougar and he had no friends after that.

so then the cougar walked in the grave yard and met another zombie and then he met a little chicken. they waned to climb a mountain, so they did! it took them a really really long time but they had alot of fun. but then when they were done the cougar was very hungry. so he ate the chicken and the zombie. When he got back all the other animals where mad again.

so the cougar decided not to have any friends that where zombies or chickens, and to bring food when he climbed mountains so he wouldnt wat his friends =)



Bestie=)Other half. Shes all i could ask for in a best friend;; Shes there for me when i need somebody and always has her weird ways to make me laugh. WE have amazing memories and do the craziest stuff. To many to even keep track of. smiles and tears. giggles and laughs. late night calls and cute pics. ill be there for you until the day of my death, best friends forever until my very last breath. this girl is my other brain. she knows what i am thinking and how i feel. she can see right through me. shes the one whos there for me when times get tough and makes me feel ontop of the world. i can talk to her about anything. she has the most blackmail about me over anybody! we get in fights about food end up throwing it- all the hiccups and laughin til we cry. i wouldnt trade it for anything. we are salt&pepper. nothing could ever tear us apart. my queeb=) even when i have to go jackie chan on her but,Linden is my bestestestest friend and that will never change =] doe's hoes cant be hatin at us ballas for being hot white skillet biscuts. : ) besties for sho. lindens the girl who has always givvin me that second chance. she has showed me a reason to look forward to the future. when things arent great she sets them back into place. everybody has there bumps in the road- we get through them and work them out. Life is like a journey, one long road you have to follow. at times you stear away, each and every road has bumps but then you get to the smooth path again. Sometimes in life all you need is somebody to travel the road with you, to keep you on the right path-linden does this for me. always keeps me on the right road. besties forever.

Kate E.

basicaly. this girl is one of my best friends. we have so many good memories. we can laugh for hours and hours. we do random stuff and have a great time. roof tag? something only we would do. chocolatechocolate cake is the bestestest. together we make the stupidest jokes and think anything is funny. kate is a girl who i can trust wont stab me in the back, she has never done anything to upset me.. besides slapping me in the face when i pretend to call people.i believe she never will. she will always be there for me to turn to when things get rough. thanks, love you frig=)

Monday, February 25, 2008

i miss him...

i miss him. he was my hero ad my life. the person who got me through the day and the strong arms that picked me up and put me to bed every night. the loving caring person who would throw me above hi head and play fun games with me. we played football, baseball, Frisbee, soccer, anything. we would go ice skating then to a movie. those where the best days. this guy, this hero, he was my dad. i live by the memories and strive for the future. my parents got divorced when i was wasn't hard for me at the time because i didn't know what was happening. after the divorce i still got to see him everyday. half the day i was with him, other half with my mom. as time went on it shortened. one day my dad started dating again. she seemed like a nice girl, but when i started to know her, i didn't like her at all. this is normal for little kids. she didn't like kids i didn't like her. she took over my dad and now i wasn't the only girl in his life. soon after my mom starting dating a guy she worked with. he was a nice man and very respectful. i liked him he was there for me in my life. as i grew up my dad grew farther apart but the love was still there. the time spent together grew less and less. a few years later my mom and now step dad got married. i was really happy and new he would treat us good. a few years later... my dad and step mom got married. i was no happy. they didn't even ell me about the wedding. then they lied about the location. i could have easily gone... but nooooo. i was angry with my dad for a while-his whole family was. i focused on school and sports and got through it. my step dad is the one who raised me so i consider him my real dad. i am fortunate to have two. now i realize that all that is past. me and my step mom are on good terms. i see my dad 3 times a year, which is really hard on me. but i handle it. my step mom makes him happy, if thats how he wants it i love it to. people change. life goes on.

somethings have changed for the better. it was just our alone time i needed.

i know all my parents love me with all there heart, thats what helps me through the day. everybody has there hard times. but thats just part of this roller coaster we call life..

Soccer against tolt.

Soccer game against tolt. it was an away game, about an hour and a half drive. Tolt is near carnation. on the bus i sat by justibna and cortney. when ever we are together we always have a blast. while we where driving we took about 300 pictures. after we arrived varsity and c team unloaded off the bus and jv went to a differant feild. i really liked the feild we played on. it was turf but it had a good feel to it. the ground was smooth and had good traction for the ball. the games finaly started, after c team played varsity takes the feild.

I start center forward, striker, like usual. the whistle blows and the game begins. we score in the first 5 min. the game has good defence but our team is beter. we have good communication and want it more. by halftime they have me completely marked. we work as a team and pass the ball. once again cougars come out on top!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Who is fired up?
who is fired up?
our teams alive.
so yell go!
fired up and ready gona win tonight, go.

second last game of the season. if we win this game we are tied for first place.
The whistle for kick off is blown and the game begins. it is very physical, lots of elbows throuwn and unfair calls. They get all the free kicks. Girls come up to me and shove me down, yet it is my fault. half way through the game some girl comes to me, elbows my back hen slaps me across the face. This hsould have been a penalty kick-goal for us. but of corse, they get the kick. B now the score is 1-1 and it is an even game. Both teams want it bad, its getting even more physical. Players and coaches are geting frusterated adn it is cleats are filled with ice and everybody keeps sliding everywhere. final score was a tie game. 1-1. both teams played hard. congrats ladies!!