Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rip tides.

Rip tides are very scary. While I was at the Oregon Coast this summer, I had a life threatening experience. It was a fairly nice day out so my cousin –Brianna-, aunt –Bonnie-, uncle –Neil-, and Me decided to go to the beach.
The waves where anywhere from 4-7 feet tall. A little big, but still perfect. The undertow was very strong but we thought we could handle it. Suddenly a large wave came and I got sucked out. I kept going farther and farther away from the shore. I got to the point where I couldn’t stand and the waves where growing bigger and bigger, crashing one after another over my head, I was very scared.
A crowd started to gather then somebody called 911. The coast-guard helicopter was on its way. I was terrified but managed to stay a lot calmer then other people in my situation would have been. It felt like what ever I tried to do just made it harder. The water was freezing and I was getting really tired. The thought of giving up ran through my mind many times, but I kept pushing my self harder and harder to get back. I looked over my shoulder and saw a seal. It was very cute, grey head with some brown spots and long whiskers. I truly think if I would have given up he would have saved me.
My uncle tried to come in and help me, but the rip tides where too powerful. After what seamed like an eternity, I finally got into shore. I was tired and cold. I swallowed so much water, I just wanted to rest. I was so happy to see my family.
The coast guard didn’t end up coming, but the fire department was in my hotel room. I had to answer a lot of questions, for safely precautions. He thought it was a good idea if I went to the hospital to get everything checked out. While I was in the ER, the doctor checked my lungs to make sure everything was ok since I swallowed so much salt water. They checked my body heat to make sure I didn’t have a clinical case of hypothermia. And they checked my breathing to make sure being out in the water for so long under those conditions didn’t mess up my heart rate. It turned out everything was fine. Other then a little scare, I was going to be ok. My family and I where so thankful.
Throughout this experience I learned that the ocean is a dangerous place. You have to stay extremely alert or face the consequences. I still swim in the ocean but now I pay more attention to my surroundings and what’s going on. Death flashed before my eyes and it was the scariest thing that has happened to me in my life so far. Thank god I am still alive and no members of my family –or me- got physically hurt.


Unknown said...

OMG! I hate to even think about that always gives me goosebumps. Could never survive without you...

Harrison said...

i liked your story bercause i really felt like i was there said...

I liked you entry because it was very detailed and I felt like I was there! Good Job!!!!

Will said...

This is some really good writing. I like how it felt like i was there with you.

Lacy said...

That must have been really scary. I really like it because you had so much detail, it really felt like I was there.