Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Washington coast Hike

We meet at the school at 10:30am and leave shortly after. It was a foggy morning, so the ferries weren’t working. We waited for a couple hours before deciding to take another rout. October 13th, 2007 the first day of a trip to remember. It wasn’t cold outside, but the sun wasn’t shinning. I could tell that this was going to be a fun trip. “Let the fun begin.”
Everyday was unpredictable. The rocks where wet and slippery and the weather was constantly changing. I think the hardest part of the trip was beating the tides. My group-group two- got stuck multiple times because of the tides. One day we had to wait for at least 4 hours. In order to get around or go over some of the peeks, the tides have to be cooperating. If they don’t, who knows how long you will be stranded. The ocean is a very dangerous place. Nothing will ever be perfect, when you are hiking the coast you might get wet, you have to deal with it and move on. If you time things right, then hopefully you will get lucky and stay dry or just get your feet wet, if you are unlucky, you might get soaked or have to wade the rest of the way around the point. Timing is everything, if you don’t look through everything before you start your day off; you have to deal with the consequences.
I enjoyed being with my group, I got to know some of the guys a lot better. One of the most fun parts was when everybody met up for a night. It was nice just to be with everybody again. We had tons of fun. We played fun sports like Frisbee and football. A group of people went swimming in the creek and the ocean, it was really cold but I think it helped complete the experience. After swimming, we had to dry our clothes by the fire. Along with swimming and playing games, we ran around on the beach and sat around the fire. Everybody shared their stories from the past 2 day’s adventure. It was interesting to hear what each group had to go through. We had the same “paths” but according to the tide, and our methods we ended up handling it different ways.
During this memorable experience I learned that you cant get distracted easily. A lot of the time my group and I would be walking over wet slippery rocks. If you lost focus you would fall or trip. I think about everybody in my group fell at least once because they weren’t paying attention. Especially when we would be traveling in the dark, everything is already hard enough to see. Why make it harder? “One man travels alone in the dark with a lantern, and stumbles upon the rocks. Two men travel together without lights and find a trail” In adventure ed. everybody works together. We help each other out and help guide the way. Teamwork is key in order for nobody to get hurt.
This class will create many memories I will cherish for life. I have seen many beautiful sceneries and had some wonderful experiences. I am very thrilled I took this class and can’t wait for our next trip.

1 comment:

brittany. said...

Jess great blog.
I really enjoyed it because i was there i know how i felt. It was great to see what you thought was difficult and compare it to what i though was difficult. It was interesting to me. Very intense i must say. haha. I'm glad you had fun and i can't wait for Cali.